Protected Areas Network

IUCN category
II (National Park)
Designation type
Status year
Governing type
Federal or national ministry or agency
Management authority
National Parks and Wildlife Management Authority

National parks, wildlife estates and gazetted forests comprise 14.9% of Zimbabwe’s protected area network, conservancies 1.9% and CAMPFIRE areas 11.2%. Wildlife is mainly found in national parks, CAMPFIRE areas and conservancies. Conservancies were under private ownership until the recent changes brought about by a wildlife-based land reform policy. The government introduced the CAMPFIRE programme to maximize the livelihood options for resettled farmers, particularly those living in areas where crop production has limited potential, by ensuring profitable, equitable and sustainable use of wildlife and other resources. The CAMPFIRE projects involve communities in the co-management of wildlife in communal areas. Zimbabwe has five UNESCO World Heritage sites – Matobo Hills, Mana Pools, Great Zimbabwe, Khami and Victoria Falls. Designation of part of the Middle Zambezi as a biosphere reserve has intensified natural resource conservation in the Zambezi Valley.