
Important for hydro-electric power generation; kapenta and bream fishing industry (US$42,7 million).

More than 8 000 dams important for domestic, industrial and agriculture water supply; fishing, recreation and tourism

Major pans occur in Tsholotsho, Mwenezi and Hwange, and Gonarezhou national parks. 

Attract important bird species; water and grazing for livestock and wildlife; cultivation of crops. Seven areas declared Ramsar sites; several initiatives under the Global Environment Facility and UN Development Programme small grants programmes to restore and protect communal areas wetlands


Important centres for aquatic biodiversity as they provide a unique range of habitats; regulation of flooding and water flows. 

Some sections protected under Mana Pools and Gonarezhou national parks

Important area for mammalian diversity; rich in mega fauna. Protected under the protected area network and the Kavango-Zambezi TFCA

Dominant tree species is the Baikiaea plurijuga (Zambezian teak) which is endemic to the ecoregion; Important Bird Area.

Centre of plant diversity; high mineral composition; 500 bird species with six confined to the region; high reptile endemism with 30 species exclusively found in the eco-region; four reptile species strictly endemic. 

Greater part of the area in protected areas under the Parks Estate private game

Dominated by mega herbivores. Protected in the Matopo National Park, Gonarezhou National Park and CAMPFIRE areas; forms part of the Greater Limpopo and Limpopo Shashe TFCA

Varying species diversity. Half of Hwange National Park falls in this ecosystem; part occurs in CAMPFIRE areas which have some conservation activities; part of Kavango-Zambezi TFCA