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The Government of Zimbabwe, through the Ministry of Environment, Climate, Tourism and Hospitality Industry (MECTHI), in partnership with UNDP is implementing a 6-year GEF funded project entitled “Strengthening Biodiversity and Ecosystems Management and Climate-Smart Landscapes in the Mid to Lower Zambezi Region of Zimbabwe,” known locally as the Zambezi Valley Biodiversity Project (ZVBP). The objective of which is to promote an integrated landscape approach to managing wildlife resources, carbon and ecosystem services in the face of climate change in the protected areas and communal lands of the Mid to Lower Zambezi Regions of Zimbabwe. The project has 4 components namely: Component 1. Strengthening capacity and governance frameworks for integrated wildlife and woodland management and wildlife/forest crime enforcement in Zimbabwe; Component 2. Strengthening Zimbabwe's PA estate and CAMPFIRE Wildlife Conservancies in areas of global BD significance; Component 3. Mainstreaming BD and ES management, and climate
change mitigation, into the wider landscape; and Component 4. Knowledge Management, M&E and Gender Mainstreaming. The CAMPFIRE Association is coordinating the implementation of Component 2 of the project. Wildlife populations have declined in some conservancies in the project area because of various reasons including poaching and encroachment into wildlife habitats by neighbouring communities. The CAMPFIRE Association, with support from the Zambezi Valley Biodiversity Project, has a work programme to reverse these losses and seeks expert advice on the feasibility of wildlife restocking for the conservancies in Mbire-North and Mavhuradonha CWCs.
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